Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dressing for Every Occasion

The other night my wife and I decided to host “game night” at our house. What lesbian isn’t up for a little friendly competition? So, I, my wife, and several of our queer friends got together for beers and Balderdash. When I was deciding what to wear for the event, I realized I had the perfect outfit. My friends arrived and apparently were not surprised to see what I was wearing. They know I am both stylish and fiercely competitive. I had put on a green Nike t-shirt with rainbow writing that said, “Consider your butt already kicked”. I paired this with brown corduroys, a pink zip-up sweatshirt and pink Kangaroos sneakers.

I then began thinking about how much fun and easy it is to dress for every occasion. A shirt that I would typically have worn to the gym or softball practice transformed into the centerpiece of my game night ensemble. The main idea is to think outside the box or rather, your closet. No matter where you are going or what you are doing, picking out your outfit should be fun, not dreadful. Follow these simple tips:

1. Think about the occasion and what impression you want to make. Do you want to be the center of attention? Clearly I did. It was my house, I was the host, and I wanted to win! If you do too, then don’t be afraid to go for something more daring. If you want to blend in with the crowd, you can still follow rules 2 & 3.

2. Choose one stand-out piece to base your outfit on. It could be a pair of lime green patent leather flats, a big chunky necklace, or a skull and cross bones tie.

3. Then move on to choose more subtle pieces to pair with it such as a pair of jeans, plain white collared shirt, or a pair of black converse sneakers.

Pulling it all together will help you to look put together rather than over done or worst of all under done. And it makes fashion fun!

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